Friday, May 21, 2010

My letter attached to the form below

To Officer ________:

I believe the allegations are false that state that the playground equipment (known in the skateboard world as a “skateboard mini ramp”) in my backyard is in violation with the Kern County Building Code 17.08.060.

Before constructing the playground equipment, I did extensive research on my rights and responsibilities as a homeowner in Kern County. I concluded (based on the Kern County Building Code) that my playground equipment was not in need of a permit.

I found this information in section 17.08.060- Appendix Chapter 1, Section 105.2 amended--Work exempt from permit.

Number 11. states:

"Swings and other playground equipment accessory to detached one and two family dwellings"

The mini ramp is not permanent. It was built entirely with screws and is has no concrete footing. It is not attached to any fences or buildings on the property.

If the playground equipment is found to violate code, I apologize for my misunderstanding of the codes and I am more than willing to take the appropriate steps to obtain a permit for my playground equipment.

I have communicated with the surrounding neighbors and expressed my willingness and desire to compromise with them and limit the amount and time duration in which my three young children and I skateboard in the backyard. I have kept a time log of the usage of the playground equipment noted above and have included a copy of that document to this letter.

For what it’s worth:

It is my personal feeling that it is not the accusers conviction or passion for California Building Codes that has led him or her to make this allegation. I do not believe that it is an issue with noise either (I have attached a document displaying decibel levels of common sounds compared with skateboarding). I believe it is a personal stigma and stereotype towards the sport of skateboarding. This is a stereotype that I believe to be unfair and untrue in my situation. I am a 30-year-old business owner, father of three, and contributor to our community such as the recent “Great American Cleanup”. I hold a master’s degree in School Counseling from Cal State Bakersfield and have a passion for providing a safe environment for my kids to enjoy the sport of skateboarding.

Thank you for your time,

Curtis Nemetz