Boo yah.
So after my conversation this morning with the code compliance officer, I have been informed that neither the building department or the planning department is requiring my ramp to be permitted. So I am only required to write a sworn statement telling them that this ramp is for personal use only... not commercial. I guess the true language of the ordinances is intended to prevent someone in a residential zone from starting a skatepark in their back yard. After I send this letter in, I am going to receive some sort of documentation informing me that the ramp is legal. I will both post that here as well as photo copy it and hang it out on the ramp.
Woo hoo!
To the Kern County Code Compliance Division:
I, Curtis Nemetz, intend to use the skateboard ramp on my property for personal use only. The ramp will in no way be used for any commercial use or any other use besides my family’s personal use. My property will remain locked at all times and the ramp will be unavailable for neighborhood kids or people passing by to use at anytime.
My family and I will be respectful at all times of the neighbors around us and will limit use duration and hours of operation.
My family and I will be open to communication with those around us and will be willing to cease the use of the ramp due to certain circumstances (back yard BBQ at a neighbor’s house or a sick neighbor).
It is my understanding that based on the above statement being true, I am not required to obtain any permits whether from the Kern County Building Dept. or the Planning Dept. and I am in my legal rights as a property owner to own and enjoy the skateboard ramp I have built on my property.
Thank you so much for your understanding and your assistance in this matter.